Product management mantras on the back of my phone

Hannes Rössler
2 min readApr 7, 2019


Being in product management I read as much as I can about the craft. That makes me gather a lot of theoretical and practical insights, some of which I can directly apply to my daily work, some of which I keep in the back of my mind and some of which I‘d like to apply right the next day but always forget to. The latter are often „soft-skills“ or management mantras that inspire me but don’t make their way into my daily work because its simply prevents me from remembering and applying them regularly.

That’s what I tried to change with my little iPhone hack. My phone is my daily companion with a frighteningly high average screen time of 3,25 hours this week (should I worry?).

So I thought I’d simply pin those mantras to the back of my phone. I took a couple of them from my Google Keep collection, laminated them and attached them to the back of my phone. The mantras come from Blog posts, articles, books, product talks and feedback/advise from career talks with people management. My frankenphone is a little clunky and feels strange in my hands and it’s surely just an MVP but in it‘s non-perfectness lies a big advantage: it disturbs me and makes me think of my goal to incorporate these mantras every time I take my phone out of my pocket.

I’m just starting to use this and will follow up on whether it worked in a later post.

This is my phone right now



Hannes Rössler
Hannes Rössler

Written by Hannes Rössler

Product person and medical doctor from Berlin.

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